

How deaf are you?

I was born profoundly deaf in both ears after a series of complications that went badly wrong when I was born. I wasn't expected to live and my parents were told to quickly name me so they could have a name to put down on my death was that serious! Luckily I'm still here!
I had an accident in december 2011 that further impacted my hearing and increased my disability to severe. I now can barely wear one hearing aid and its a struggle to rehabilitate to my new disabled status. This is one of the reasons why I resurrected this blog so I could have a way to find focus and strength and get my voice heard by the world.

How do you communicate?

I speak very well due to intensive training from my mum as a child, who developed a form of speech therapy she knew would work with me. Its only due to her that I can speak where many deaf people of my severity cannot. I wear one digital hearing aid and am currently undergoing many tests and hospital trips to undergo operations that would one day alow me to have a cochlear implant hopefully. In the last year I have had to relearn to speak and communicate due to a serious head injury.
I also sign british sign language and prefer this over spoken English. I lip-read very well too. The chances are, if you didn't know me and we meet in the streets, you wouldn't know I'm deaf unless I told you!

What type of camera do you use for your blog?

I take my photos with my HTC Desire phone...the camera on it is amazing! I sometimes then edit it on the basic windows photo gallery. Other than that, you're seeing photos taken as they are! I do want to pruchase a digital camera but I love how having a camera phone is versatile, light and easy to carry around and simple!

Why did you start to blog?

I knew I wanted a blog for a while but didn't have the time or courage to. I was working a typical 9-5 job with a heavy going lifestyle in general until a series of events, medical illness (depression and a mental disorder) as well as an accident caused me to stop work for nearly a year whilst I rehabilitate. I found myself with much time on my hands and fustrated that I wasnt able to share my visions, thoughts and ideas out there. I physically couldnt speak as well as I used to and was plunged into a world where I could no longer speak or reach out to people.
I dont like projecting much on facebook and social media sites like that, so if people wanted to know more about me/my thoughts/ideas etc...they could come to my blog, at their choice rather than having it shoved at them! Suprisingly the blog took off, what was a way to keep in touch with friends from across the globe has now slowly become something more!

What is your background?

I grew up very creatively minded and graduated from Plymouth college of Art and Design in Fashion and textiles. I worked with photography, print, clay and am also a silversmith and a jeweller (though very basic!) I love clothes and fashion since forever and it is one of my biggest passions in life! Crafts and art is a medium I feel I communicate very well through and as time is going by, my confidence to channel myself through this is growing! I am always changing and growing and always looking for new things to experience and learn!

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