A trip with my lovely mother on saturday to a nearby village/town of Totnes resulted in me pulling out my much over abused credit card and paid for some gorgeous fabrics at a shocking price! I'll put up a seperate post about that for this post reveals what i think set the tone of the day and the inspiration/madness that drove me to pay what i did for the fabrics.
Totnes in the UK is well worth a visit, it's a place with many glorious boutique shops that mingles antiques, hand crafted curio's that have you raid your purse in no time...and the great thing is, most of the shops there are very decently priced!
...well, trust my mother to find the one shop that has some very expensive clothes in....and trust her to buy two dresses (by Great Plain) from there!
I came across the ODD MOLLY collection that i have seen in Vogue and Elle which i correctly presumed was high-end high street. Such lovely wears in the adverts doesn't do it justice when you see the pieces face to face.
You appreciate the small touches added to the garments, the clash yet beautiful marriage of colours, fabrics and styles and it is, to me a visual feast.
Take the dress above, it was glorious and definetly something i would have worn....if i had the spare £300....ouchy!
hmm.....i just love the chaotic, scandinavian, beauty of it all and i like to think that one day when i have the patience, fabrics and the time...oh yes the time indeedy...to make clothes like this!
Soon i'll show you the lovely fabrics bought....wow, they are so sumptious!!!
ah be still my little black heart, the craft muse has returned home for hopefully a long term stay!