Either you can make the gift yourself and gift it onwards or give someone a kit to learn a new skill themselves (which to me knowledge is priceless no?).
make your own robin |
Why dont you make your own robin from this cute little kit? isn;t he so squishable? I think children would love this little character!
And if the robin isn't cute enough...
Make your own Rabbit |
Then how about this little bunny? Both from cupcakes for clara and both are super sweet!
silver chainmail kit |
If cute isn't your thing and you wish to learn a complete old-school skill then how about chainmail?
Its quite amazing you start with links and end up with this...
I have done chain mail myself and although it can be time consuming, it is addictive and the end pieces just blow your mind!
needle felt a sheep |
How awesome is this little sheep? Why don't you learn to needle felt him along with the mustache kit and the vegables kit? check out the shop for some awesome looking kits! I'm loving them!
and now for something completely random!
scrimshaw kit |
learn to sew quilting kit |
And nicely selected moda fabric too!
drop spindle kit |
Im loving Katie's shop and now avidly read her blog! I'm part of a spinning and knitters guild and slowly learning the various arts of spinning myself and the drop spindle is something I'm eyeing up in the new year to learn! No doubt My ladies in the craft guild would love this as much as i do and wonderfully, Katie sources her fibres from UK shores!
viking knit |
what is great to hear is how VanillaBead store, after many trying experiences with getting to grips with the kits out there, they decided to make their own, making sure their kit is easy to follow unlike their peers!
This kit is on my christmas list and I'm really hoping someone will get it for me!
Linocut kit |
Lino cutting was somehting I learn in school and honed into something better for being able to print onto fabrics for my fashion collection. I miss Lino cutting an dits somehting I love to get back into especially since I'm re-finding my love for print work.
It looks to be a brilliant piece of kit lovingly put together for a wonderful experience so i'm very much hoping I will get it!
Fingers crossed!
What a brilliant collection of kits I think!
Is there any you like to try?
Birdie Love
Thats a great collection! Thanks for including me!